Back home after a little needed vacation…. to bigger chicks, progress on the mobile coop and seedlings

I am truly a homebody after leaving the farm for 5 days to go skiing (my 1 time a year ski trip) Colorado and Arizona was so beautiful.  However I was so excited to get back home and see my chicks, Hens, dogs, and greenhouse and oh yes children!  My one time I get to have a truly adult vacation with friends.  I came home to such a green and beautiful state and so much life at the farm.  The chicks seem to have grown 3 inches along with newly sprouting seeds that I had just planted the prior week.  While vacationing I had made my “wish list” of things to get done the following week as my better half stayed in Arizona for the ‘man time’ hunting Javelina in the deserts there.  This is the part of the trip I am good with moving on and having my ‘girl’ time at home – sometimes absence makes the heart well is good! However my list of to do’s is longer than I probably have numbered days… and I see the rains coming so I will just be a part of the system and be out there finishing what was started before I left!  A new mobile coop for the 61 hens who are anxious for their new housing, the compost bin roofs, rain-barrels to complete and pruning getting my logo and sign completed, still needing time for learning the web side of life, bookwork,  staying on-top of things this is a new year! That being said like many others who do whatever work a career a household, or school, there are never enough hours in a farming girls life!

How do you all do the web blogs, sites, and computer stuff and run a farm when really if you are like me the computer is the least priority – it is all about the dirt, the dream and the daily chores??  I’d love to hear what you do to accomplish this cuz I am honestly a one girl show – my other half has a ‘city’ job and career so to speak… this is currently all mine is it possible to run a farm business … and still keep up a house, be a full time mom, market myself and keep laundry up!!! Image




One thought on “Back home after a little needed vacation…. to bigger chicks, progress on the mobile coop and seedlings

  1. Pingback: Back home after a little needed vacation…. to bigger chicks, progress on the mobile coop and seedlings « The Mason Jar Farm

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